UE4 UMG ImageComboBox Widget: A ComboBox but with Images instead of String

I wanted to try and make a node spell casting system. Think UE4 blueprints but with magic spells. To implement this, I needed a UI element that would allow me to select what type of action the spell was (Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, Shield). In UMG, there is already the ComboBoxString, but that’s not very visually interesting.More

UE4 Isometric Camera: 2D Sprites in a 3D world

Next up on the mimic-list, Octopath Traveller / Project Triangle Story Strategy. Their blend of 2D and 3D, really caught my eye when they first came out (I guess Project Triangle isn’t out yet), it simply pulled at my nostalgia heart strings, and I knew if I ever made my own game, it would be in a similar style. I would love to experiment more with the colors, as the washed out and muted look didn’t do it for me, but more on that someday in the future.More

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Text UI in Godot

Most people probably will cite Final Fantasy Tactics on the Playstation as the ultimate FF Tactics game, but my first introduction to the Tactics genre was the latter Final Fantasy Tactic Advance on the Gameboy Advance. So I decided to replicate some UI elements from it as a form of Design Spec/Tech Spec practice.More